
EMF Ultimate Organic

As the use of wireless devices continues to grow, protecting yourself from electromagnetic fields (EMF) is more important than ever. One effective solution is the organic EMF blanket. Made from natural materials, these blankets not only shield you from harmful EMF radiation but also provide the comfort of organic fabrics. If you're at home, travelling, or working, an organic EMF protection blanket is an investment for long-term health and wellbeing.

What Is an Organic EMF Blanket?

An organic EMF blanket is specially designed to block or reduce your exposure to EMF radiation emitted by devices such as smartphones, laptops, Wi-Fi routers. Unlike synthetic blankets, organic EMF blankets are made from natural, eco-friendly,global GOTS certified organic cotton combined with advanced EMF-blocking technologies, such as silver fibres. This combination ensures that you’re protected from harmful radiation while enjoying the benefits of an organic radiation shielding blanket.

Why Choose Radia Smart’s Organic EMF Protection Blanket?

Opting for a Radia Smart organic EMF protection blanket ensures you're safeguarding your health in a more sustainable way. The organic materials used are gentle on your skin, free from harmful chemicals, and perfect for those with sensitive skin or allergies. These blankets are designed to provide optimal EMF protection by blocking up to 99% of harmful radiation, including radio frequencies (RF) from devices and 5G technology.

If you're looking for an eco-conscious way to protect your body from EMF, investing in an organic EMF blocking blanket is a great step toward living a healthier lifestyle.

Enhancing Your EMF Protection

While an organic EMF blanket provides effective protection, combining it with other EMF protection products can maximise your defence against radiation. Consider integrating the following products into your lifestyle:

  • EMF Protection Blanket: For extra shielding, especially at home, Radia Smart offers a range of EMF protection blankets that complement your organic blanket.
  • EMF Shield: Use a dedicated EMF shield for concentrated protection in areas with high EMF exposure, like your home office or bedroom.
  • EMF Clothes: Wearing EMF clothes such as hats, hoodies, or shirts can provide all-day protection when you're on the go.

By combining these products with your organic EMF blanket, you can reduce your overall exposure to EMF radiation in a variety of settings.

Frequently Asked Questions about Organic EMF Blankets

How does an organic EMF blanket work?

An organic EMF blanket is made using materials infused with EMF-blocking fibres like silver. These materials disrupt and block the flow of electromagnetic radiation, protecting you from exposure while you sleep or relax. Learn more at: https://radiasmart.com/pages/how-shielding-works

Can an organic EMF blanket block 5G radiation?

Yes, an organic EMF blocking blanket is designed to protect against various radiation frequencies, including 5G. It can block up to 99% of wireless radiation emitted from devices using 5G technology.

Is an organic EMF blanket safe for children?

Absolutely. The organic EMF protection blanket is made from all-natural, chemical-free materials, making it safe for children and those with sensitive skin. It provides a safe, protective environment for people of all ages.

How do I care for my organic EMF blanket?

Most organic radiation blankets require gentle care to maintain their effectiveness. We recommend hand-washing with a mild detergent or using a gentle machine wash. Air drying is best to preserve the integrity of the EMF-blocking materials.

Care instructions: Wash in cold water by hand or gentle machine wash, use gentle (phosphate-free detergent), Air Dry. Don't bleach, don't dry-clean, don't tumble dry. If washed according to these directions and kept free of mechanical and chemical stress, the fabric should retain its shielding effectiveness indefinitely.

Can I travel with my organic EMF blanket?

Yes, organic EMF blankets are lightweight and portable, making them perfect for travel. Whether on a plane, in a hotel, or commuting, you can bring your blanket along to stay protected from harmful radiation.

Premium EMF Protection Blanket and Beanie, made from GOTS certified organic cotton. 

Key Features:

Made with 100% GOTS Certified Organic cotton on front and back side

Made with Radia Smart® custom silver shielding fabric which blocks up to 99% of EMF radiation

3-Layer sandwich design

Available in different designs

Premium EMF Protection Blanket




当社の Radia Smart EMF ブロック ブランケットは、銀繊維を含む高導電性シールド生地を使用しており、電磁放射を反射して抑制します。放射線防止ブランケットは、携帯電話、ラップトップ、タブレット、WIFI、Bluetooth、およびその他の非電離放射線デバイスからの放射線に対して最大 99.9% のシールド効果 (~50dB) を提供します。これは認定研究所によるテストおよび検証によるものです。



携帯電話や WIFI 機器から放出される放射線は、私たちの健康に生物学的な影響を与えます。長時間暴露すると、耳鳴り、疲労、不眠症、動悸、発疹、頭痛などの一般的な健康上の問題を引き起こす可能性があることが、数多くの研究で示されています。 EMF 放射線への曝露によって引き起こされる深刻な問題には、生殖能力、DNA 断片化、癌、細胞損傷などの問題が含まれます。さらに、専門家は、成長期の身体が成人よりも多くの放射線を吸収するため、幼児や妊婦は携帯電話や電磁放射線に対してより脆弱であることを観察しています。

今の時代、WIFI や電子機器への曝露を完全に遮断することは、不可能ではないにしても困難です。したがって、EMF ブロックブランケットを使用することは、EMF 放射から身を守り、身体への害の影響を軽減する便利で効果的な方法です。


当社のお客様の多くは、子宮内での成長の重要な段階で赤ちゃんを無線放射線から守るために、妊娠中に当社の放射線防止ブランケットを使用しています。妊娠中の母親が自宅やオフィスでラップトップ、携帯電話、タブレットを使用するときに丸くなるのに最適です。 EMF ブランケットはベビーソフトなオーガニックコットンで作られているため、幼児期の継続的な使用と保護にも適しています。お子様のプレイマットやおくるみとしてもお使いいただけます。

Radia Smart では、マタニティ ブランケットの他に、ポンチョとして使用できるように設計された抗放射線ブランケットや、キングサイズ ベッドに十分な大きさのブランケットも提供しています。


EMF放射を減らすことに関しては、距離が一番の味方です。デバイスを就寝場所から遠ざけ、必要に応じて電源を切るか機内モードにするようにしてください。膝の上や体の近くでデバイスを使用する場合は、EMF ブロックブランケットを使用しない場合は、帽子、フード、バンドなどの他の形式の EMF 防護服を使用して、必ずシールドを行ってください。

Radia Smart では、EMF 放射に関する意識を高め、お客様が適切な予防措置と対策を講じられるよう支援することが重要であると考えています。私たちは、お客様のご質問にいつでも喜んでお答えし、お客様自身とあなたの大切な人を守るお手伝いをいたします。


I accidentally put an EMF protection blanket in the dryer. Will it still work properly?

Radia Smart Shielding Fabric does not lose its effectiveness when accidentally put in the dryer. Radia Smart shielding fabric is made from highly conductive material. Going forward, we recommend following the wash instructions.

Washing instructions: Hand wash preferred or gentle machine wash in cold water. Use gentle (phosphate-free) detergent. Air dry. Do not tumble dry, dry-clean, bleach, or iron. If washed according to these directions and kept free of mechanical and chemical stress, the radiation shielding blankets should retain their shielding effectiveness indefinitely.

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