In our modern world, wireless devices such as cell phones, tablets, and Wi-Fi routers have become indispensable parts of daily life. While they offer incredible convenience, these devices emit electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation, which has raised concerns among scientists and the general public.
Although research on the long-term effects of wireless radiation is ongoing and no conclusions have been universally agreed upon, it’s wise to take simple and practical steps to minimize exposure. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you protect yourself and your family from wireless radiation.
Understanding EMF Radiation
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are emitted by various electronic devices, including mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, cordless phones, microwave ovens, and other wireless gadgets. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified EMF radiation as a "possible 2B carcinogen," which means there is some evidence suggesting a possible link between EMF radiation and cancer, but it is not yet conclusive. As such, taking precautionary steps is a practical approach to reducing potential risks.
Do’s to Protect Yourself from Wireless Radiation
1. Keep a Safe Distance from Devices: Distance is your friend when it comes to minimizing radiation exposure. The intensity of EMF radiation decreases significantly with distance. Cell phones are among the most common sources of EMF radiation. Manufacturers often suggest keeping cell phones at least 8 to 10 inches (20-25 cm) away from your body. When using a cell phone, prefer speaker mode or a wired headset to keep the phone away from your head.
If you don’t have a wired headset, keeping your phone at least 5 centimeters (about 2 inches) away from your head while talking can reduce the radiation reaching your head by up to 75%.

A more convenient way is for you to purchase a digital timer to control when you want to switch your Wifi router on and off. Also, switching your devices to airplane mode can significantly cut down radiation emissions.
3. Use Ethernet Instead of Wi-Fi: Whenever possible, use a wired connection (Ethernet) for your internet needs. Wi-Fi routers emit radiation continuously, so connecting your computer or laptop to the internet with an Ethernet cable is a safer option. This method is especially effective if you spend long hours working or studying at home.
4. Invest in an EMF Meter: Radia Smart’s EMF meter is a useful tool that allows you to measure the EMF levels in different parts of your home. By identifying high EMF "hotspots," you can rearrange your living space to avoid prolonged exposure and create safer environments.
5. Place Your Wi-Fi Router Strategically: Position your Wi-Fi router in a location where you spend the least amount of time, such as a hallway or a garage. The further away it is from high-traffic areas, like bedrooms and living rooms, the better. This can significantly lower the EMF exposure throughout your home.
6. Encourage Limited Cell Phone Use for Children: Children are more vulnerable to EMF radiation due to their thinner skulls and developing nervous systems. Encourage them to use cell phones only when necessary, and opt for wired or speakerphone options to minimize exposure.
7. Sleep Away from Devices: Make your bedroom an EMF-free zone. Do not sleep with your phone under your pillow or right next to your bed. Keep electronic devices away from your sleeping area to reduce nighttime radiation exposure, which is when your body is repairing and regenerating. Investing in an EMF shielding bed canopy also does wonders to your sleep, effectively shielding you from ambient wireless radiation so you can sleep restfully.
Radia Smart’s EMF Shielding Circle Bed Canopy
8. Use EMF Shielding Products: Consider using Radia Smart’s EMF shielding products such as EMF protection bed canopies, blankets, hats/ beanies, and belly bands that are designed to block or reduce EMF radiation. These products create a protective barrier that can help reduce your exposure to radiation, especially in high-exposure areas.
9. Stay Informed: Keeping up-to-date with the latest research and guidelines from reputable organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) will help you make informed decisions and adopt safer practices.
Don’ts to Protect Yourself from Wireless Radiation
- Don’t Use Your Phone in Low Signal Areas: When the signal strength is weak, such as in elevators, basements, or rural areas, your phone emits more radiation to connect to the nearest tower. Avoid using your phone in these situations or switch it to airplane mode to prevent unnecessary radiation exposure.

2. Don’t Keep Your Phone in Your Pocket: Carrying your phone in your pocket, especially near vital organs like your hips, can expose you to continuous radiation. For example, the hips produce 80% of the body’s red blood cells, which can be affected by radiation. Instead, carry your phone in a bag or use a radiation-blocking pouch.
3. Don’t Use Bluetooth Headsets for Extended Periods: Although Bluetooth devices emit less radiation than regular phones, prolonged use can still expose you to EMF radiation. Minimize Bluetooth use and prefer wired headsets instead.
4. Don’t Hold Your Phone Close to Your Body While Dialing: Cell phones use the most power and emit the highest radiation levels when connecting a call. Hold the phone away from your body until the call is connected and you hear the other person on the line. Some phones provide vibration feedback when a call connects; use this feature to minimize exposure.
5. Don’t Use Wireless Devices Next to Infants or Pregnant Women: Infants and fetuses are particularly susceptible to EMF radiation due to their rapid growth and development. Avoid using wireless devices near infants and pregnant women, and encourage practices that limit exposure during critical developmental periods.
6. Don’t Sleep Near EMF-Emitting Devices: Avoid sleeping near devices like digital alarm clocks, cordless phones, and baby monitors, which can emit EMF radiation. These devices can disrupt sleep patterns and may pose other health risks. Opt for analog clocks or battery-operated devices instead.
7. Don’t Use Mobile Phones in Moving Vehicles: Using a phone in a moving car, train, or bus increases the radiation emitted by the phone as it constantly seeks a stronger signal from cell towers. If you need to use your phone during travel, consider waiting until the vehicle is stationary or opt for wired headphones.
8. Don’t Ignore Safety Guidelines: Most devices come with safety guidelines regarding their specific absorption rate (SAR) values and recommendations for safe use. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines to reduce your exposure.
9. Don’t Use Mobile Phones Near Your Head While Charging: When charging, mobile phones emit higher levels of radiation. Avoid using your phone near your head during this time, and consider charging it in another room.
True Customer's Review
While the debate over the harmful effects of wireless radiation continues, taking these simple precautionary measures can help protect you and your family from potential risks. These do’s and don’ts are easy to incorporate into your daily routine, providing peace of mind in a world filled with wireless devices.
Stay informed, invest in Radia Smart’s EMF protection products , and take proactive steps to minimize your exposure to EMF radiation!